Thank You, WrightCon Vendors!
Thanks to all of our faithful and loyal WrightCon vendors. Your support has been instrumental in making WrightCon one of the most popular shows in IPMS/USA Region IV!
Obtaining Your Vendor Tables
Please scroll to the bottom of the page to "Register Now" to reserve and order your tables for WrightCon. Don't let the fact that it says "Ticket" -- that's simply the way our software works. Once paid, your reservation will be assured. Please use the Contact Form below to communicate with our Vendor Coordinator.
General Vendor Information
The contest is two days, Saturday March 23rd - Sunday March 24th. The vendor room will be available for setup starting at 5:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday morning at 6:30 a.m. Saturday, and the room will open to the general public at 9 a.m. The contest officially ends at 5 p.m Sunday.
The layout of the vendor room with table assignments will be distributed one week prior to the contest.
Hand receipts will be provided when you check into the vendor room. Any outstanding payment is also due at that time
If you have any questions in the run-up to the contest, please contact the Vendor Coordinator using the Contact Form below.